Above is the original image, and below is the edited version, where I added blue tones and mades the apple a slightly darker, more vibrant colour. I prefer the edited version as I think it makes the image look 'dreamier' and more fairytale like.
Above is the original image, and below is the edited version. Like the first photograph, I prefer the edited version, as the colours are more vibrant and again the outcome is 'dreamier'. I also like how the blue of my hair is more vibrant.
For the photograph of just the apple with the lipstick, I didn't edit it too much, I just darkened it a little to see if the colours would be more vivid. I think that it looks a little better, but I still like the original one as well.
The three photographs above were inspired by the fairytale Snow White - where she bites into the poisoned apple. I wanted to relate this to my chosen theme of fashion, so I wanted to show the lipstick, the hair and the nail varnish - although these aren't clothes, they are related to fashion. I think that this is a subtle reference to both fashion and fairytales, so it makes the viewer think about what the photograph is about, and what the meaning behind it is.
This photograph was inspired by Rapunzel - where she leans out of a window with her long hair flowing over the window sill. This one didn't work as well, mainly because my hair isn't very long! However, I think that this also has a subtle reference to both fashion and fairytales. This one is more related to hair and clothes, rather than makeup, unlike the previous photographs in this post.
This photograph I edited to make it look like there were lights orbs in the photographs - to symbolise fairies for my fairytale theme. I personally really like how this photograph edit turned out.